Most popular use cases

Lead Generation

Lead Generation

Generate qualified leads from LinkedIn, Sales Navigator, and more

  • Automate lead sourcing from multiple platforms
  • Enrich leads with company and contact data
  • Score and prioritize leads based on custom criteria
Market Research

Market Research

Collect data from various sources to gain market insights

  • Scrape and analyze competitor websites
  • Track industry trends across social media
  • Generate custom reports with AI-powered insights


Find and engage with potential candidates on professional networks

  • Source candidates from LinkedIn and job boards
  • Automate initial outreach and follow-ups
  • Track applicant progress through hiring stages
Sales Automation

Sales Automation

Streamline your sales processes and boost conversion rates

  • Automate follow-ups and nurture campaigns
  • Track deal progress and forecast sales
  • Integrate with CRM systems for seamless data flow
Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Optimize your content strategy with data-driven insights

  • Analyze content performance across platforms
  • Identify trending topics and keywords
  • Schedule and track content distribution
Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Stay ahead of the competition with comprehensive market intelligence

  • Monitor competitor pricing and product offerings
  • Track social media engagement and sentiment
  • Analyze market share and growth trends